Coin Drop Event |
Flower Sale Event |
You never know when you will need us. In fact, you personally may never need us...but what if you do? Regardless of the circumstances we will be there. When we show up on scene its comforting to know your local fire deptartment has state of the art and functional equipment. But as trucks age and equipment breaks down, its a must to replace.
We have multiple fundraisers throughout the year to raise money for our Fire House. These funds go to various sundry things from uniforms to equipment purchases. Yes, we get revenue through taxes, but when new fully equipted fire trucks cost over $1 millon, we have to do fundraisers to mitigate some of that cost. While we do apply for grants we don't always get what was asked for, and in some cases nothing at all. We rely on your generosity to help us raise adequate funding for whatever our needs are.
If you would like to donate now, please click HERE or go to the Donate button on the top left side of this page. All donations on this site go through Givebutter, which accepts Master Card/Visa and American Express. If you prefer not to use your credit card donations can be mailed to us at:
Edgmont Township Fire Company No.1
PO Box 64
Gradyville PA 19039
Please make check payable to: Edgmont Township Fire Company No.1
or if you prefer you can stop by our fire house any Thursday between the hours of 7:00 PM and 9:OO PM. We like this option because we can thank you in person.
Donating To Your Local Fire Department
By Amanda S. Davidson
Thank you to men and women in local Fire Departments everywhere who risk their lives to save others.